La ilaha illallah
There is one God only, that is you, Allah.
La ilaha illallah
You are the Owner of the Sun, the Moon and the beautiful Stars.
La ilaha illallah
No one compete the way you are.
La ilaha illallah
You are the king of all Creations.
La ilaha illallah
No one can be compared with your Calibre.
La ilaha illallah
You are just in all your affairs.
La ilaha illallah
Nothing can be hidden from you.
You are always Aware.
La ilaha illallah
Praises of you are lengthier than the Sea and the
(and be not of the idolators.) Be of those who single out Allah, devoting their worship sincerely for Him alone, not anyone or anything other than Him. Ibn Jarir recorded that Yazid bin Abi Maryam said: "`Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, passed by Mu`adh bin Jabal and asked, `What is the foundation of this Ummah' Mu`adh said, `Three things, and they are the things that will bring salvation: Al-Ikhlas (doing a deed for Allah alone), which is the Fitrah with which Allah created mankind; Salah, which is the thing that tells a believer apart from a disbeliever; and obedience, which is protection.' `Umar said: `You have spoken the truth.