THE MASJID (MOSQUE) Basics & Management

  • December 2013
  • Edition: Second
  • Publisher: District Global Concept

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Undoubtedly, the Muslims are worthy vicegerents of Allah on earth because they are given the mandate to lead, to set the pace for others to emulate. To be able carry out these noble duties, the Muslim community needs to put in place viable programmes, institutions and projects that will stand the test of time. It is however pathetic and disturbing that Muslim community for a very long time have not been able to live up to expectation judging by its moribund institutions of which the Masjid is one. The causes of this sorry state are diverse and complex, but the major one is lack of management acumen and inability of Imams and Masjid officials to understand and cope with the dynamics of this age. The problem of administrative incompetence has eroded the integrity of Muslim clerics and has further subject them to ridicule at enlightened fora like conferences, TV/Radio programmes, naming ceremonies, funerals, graduation ceremonies and marriages. This virus has spread to the mosques, and as such, has turned the mosques to abodes of arguments, rifts and conflicts. In fact, many of the mosques we see around in the neighbourhood sprang up as a result of rifts and disagreements with the leadership and the style of management adopted by some clerics and officials. In order to bring the Masjid to limelight of the 21st century, there is the dire need for better coordination and organised efforts from Islamic workers and professionals. The Masjid is a citadel of learning and a veritable institution for the resurgence of Islam. Revival of the roles of the Masjid is a clarion call, which all Muslims must respond to, if the heritage of our early predecessors must be sustained and projected at this auspicious moment. The mosque was the first communal project embarked upon by the Leader of Mankind, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in his quest to chart the course for the attainment of man's destiny. Hence, we must therefore borrow a leaf from his example, which suffices for us, for success and victory in this world and the next. May Allah strengthen His people and bless their efforts.

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Mosque: Basics and Management




Basics & Management