“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).” (Quran 49:13) (Translation)
From Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Jesus (ASW) and the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the messengers of Allah, we got only one message. That is that if you want to succeed in this world and the hereafter, you must worship One Allah, and not to worship your Nafs and desires.etc. Your path without the light of Quran and sunnah, leads you into darkness. Fact is fact and just guessing is an illusion.
History has thousands of years of scripture containing teachings of common good such as morality, fairness, family value and justice. And they all teach that we are dependant upon one almighty God and humility in this world will bring us closer to our creator. There is no power except the Almighty and we know this…we see this everyday, but we ignore it. So please read and understand the Quran, the miracle granted to Muhammad (SAW); over 1400 years since it came down and not even one punctuation mark changed.
Islam taught us to enjoy common good with communities and humanity as large, as we are children of one man. We need to understand our differences and find a solution. So work to attain unity. And it will soon be your time to lead. Please lead with patience, wisdome and justice, to your own self and the community. If you don’t respond to this call now…your generations to come shall suffer.
Be aware of the greatest propaganda of our times of “Islamic Terrorism”, “Islamic Extremism” and “Fundamental Muslims”, and try to change it. Ironically the label comes from those, who have been planning and executing the Muslim Holocaust in various parts of the world- to cover their own racism, greed and religious bigotry. Look at the majestic history of Muslims. The history of Islam. Understand the Quran and Sunnah. Islam is the most civilized way of life, and any individual can practice universally. It is natural, acceptable by who study with an open mind and clear heart. It is a religion of Adam, Abraham, Musa, Jesus and Muhammad (SAW).
We all are in need and may Allah give us true understandings and practicing Islam in every aspect of life. Do your best and trust in Allah.
“And how could we not place our trust in God, seeing that it is He who has shown us the path which we are to follow? Hence we shall certainly bear with patience whatever hurt you may do us: for, all who have trust (in His existence) must place their trust in God (alone)” (Quran 14:12)
“O our Sustainer! We have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy mercy, we shall certainly be lost” (Quran 7:23)
“O our Sustainer! Shower us with patience in adversity and make firm out steps and succor us against the people who deny the truth.” (Quran 2:250)
Almighty Allah (God) created all creations. Only creations knew what almighty Allah (God) want to know them according almighty one creator (Allah) Mercy and Knowledge.
All Creations Knowledge start to end is very limited, if you put one needle in ocean and it come, it is even not compare to Almighty (Allah) God knowledge.
So don’t arrogant about human science, Philosophy, religions or research. Always we are in learning. So study all science, philosophy and religions. But don’t forget Almighty Allah (God) to asking Truth.
Allah helps us, ameen.